Monday, October 23, 2017

Our annual EWF Writing Contest is now open for entries!

Here's everything you need to know about Contest 2018:


Postmarked on or before Friday, March 2, 2018 (no email or faxed entries).


Original, unpublished fiction stories in the following categories/age groups:

Youth: Age 13 and under, 1,000 words maximum, open to residents of Wellington, Waterloo, Dufferin, Halton and Hamilton-Wentworth counties/regions, no entry fee. Limit: TWO entries per person.

Teen: Age 14-19, 2,000 words maximum, open to residents of Wellington, Waterloo, Dufferin, Halton and Hamilton-Wentworth counties/regions, no entry fee. Limit: TWO entries per person.

Open: Any age, up to and including adults, 2,000 words maximum, open to all Canadian
residents, $15 entry fee. Prizes of $200, $150 and $100. (Stories submitted to the Open category cannot also be submitted to Youth or Teen categories.)

PRIZES will be awarded in all categories.

  • Entries must be double-spaced, typed or printed.
  • The author’s name should not appear on the story itself.
  • On a separate title page, include category, story title, writer’s name, address, email (Youth and Teen writers may use parent or teacher email for contact information).
  • On the first page of the story include the title.
  • Title and page number should be on following pages.
  • Youth and Teen entries, please indicate author’s age on the title page.
  • Adult category please include $15 entry fee (cheque payable to Elora Writers Festival).

EWF Writing Contest, c/o Roxanne’s Reflections, 152 St. Andrew St. W., Fergus
ON N1M 1N5. Note: This is a new mailing address for the contest. To qualify, entries must be
postmarked by Friday, March 2, 2018.

Entries may also be dropped off at Roxanne’s Reflections, 152 St. Andrew St. W., Fergus before 5

p.m. Friday, March 2, 2018.


Shortlisted authors will be contacted for an electronic copy of their story for final judging.

Winners will be announced at noon on Sunday, April 29, 2018 on the Elora Writers’ Festival blogsite:

For more information contact contest chair Francis Baker at